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Exclusives Week! Via The Robots – Mr Snake

July 9, 2014 by Bumps



exclu week


Exclusives week continues:


So, there should have been a post yesterday, but life got in the way and after the debacle that was Brazil v Germany, we all need a bit of cheering up (unless you’re German of course). I will be making up for the missing day with two posts in a day before the end of the week. Today’s offering comes from our good buds Sergey and Dimi aka Via The Robots. VTR hail from Tula, Russia and if your partying in their town then you’re probably at one of their venues! Here is their tune Mr Snake, which is their own nutty take on Global Bass. Plus there is a UK Bass mix from their fellow Russian, Hot Sound.


Stand by for more exclusive goodness all this week, including a tune that lots of you have been waiting for…




UPDATE! New Trap mix added from Finish Him…







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