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Videorama: Let’s meet Funk na Caixa!

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Oi Globalistas!


As a blog reader that loves all things Global Bass, I’m sure you already know about Funk na Caixa. Home of the Neo Baile wing of the Global Bass fellowship, FnC is run by sometime CP poster, DJ Renato M2. Renato is based in Sao Paulo and has established FnC as one the taste makers of the international Global Bass scene. We also compiled the first Neo Baile compilation together, along with Mr Bongo, which was even released on vinyl. If you never heard Funk Globo, then you can check it out below. Anyway, let’s have Renato tell you about it himself:





Posted on: March 2nd, 2015 by Bumps

Videorama: Die Antwoord – Pitbull Terrier

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Woof woof!


It had to be done. Over at Global Ghetto I always had to post the latest Die Antwoord vid, coz they’re just so darned good! The shock value is there as usual, but that is besides the point. The point is that this group’s creative capacity is off the chart and they always deliver fresh, exciting, visually orgasmic delights. After setting a lion on Lady Gaga  they move on to garroting Pitbull via the half-man/half-pitbull that Ninja has transformed himself into this time. The video was put up yesterday and already has over one million hits! Not for the feint of heart…



Posted on: May 21st, 2014 by Bumps

Videorama: MC Maromba

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My Name Isn’t Johnny!


Following on from the release of Rasterinha Vol. 2, comes the first video from the compilation and it’s none other than the hilarious MC Maromba with his massive tune “My Name Isn’t Johnny”. Which, unusually for a tune outta the favela, is sang in English! So for all you non-Portuguese speakers out there (I have to admit to only a kindergarten level myself) you are invited to join Maromba’s party and why wouldn’t you want to? Gostoso!



Posted on: May 18th, 2014 by Bumps